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~My Family page~
My Tribute to my Family
It is a thrill for me to be reminiscent of the days gone by, of one's childhood into adulthood and to be remembering, and mindful, and faithful to the memory. The intellectual, knowledge of.. experienced people with their inspirational, faithful, loving and loyal family life, And oh, how they formed my beliefs, thought processes and associated ideas.
I was taught of the true solid family foundation of life; The power of imagination, creativity, uniqueness, contentment, and I am ao very thankful for the life given to me.
I was very fortunate to have the parental affection, the protective love, the kindness, the tenderness, the loyalty, and the deep love and respect we had of one another. The high standing etiquette, and sheer perfection and.. the influence of their loving authority. This heart warming time was over whelming of these Awesome parents.
I will put my faith on a inevitable fact of life, that it is of great importance to me to carry on the uprightness and the sheer goodness and skilfulness based on the truth of my family to love one another, to be gentle and kind, honourable and loyal.
Another important significant ingredient in family life, is the ability of being worthy of trust or belief to one's family circle... to belong to one's very own heritage.. and here are those words again..for every person to respect, love,honour and to be loyal to Thy Mother and Father for all of the individual's existence.
It is the child's willingness to be responsible of his or her own actions... to do what is proper, from each according to his or her ability of their own use good judgement, discretion or lack thereof...
It is so wonderful to me to be a child of the era that I was raised. The time in my life with the inherited characteristic.. of the mental spiritual make up and the psychology of my innermost being. Every man and woman is the living soul of God's image... .....and is made up of the Good Stuff!
My Memoirs and itch to write some of my thoughts and ideas of my childhood/adulthood, the great parents that I adored and loved, And.... for my child/children, to interpret and follow the examples set forth in this writing, to be like the images that God created~
Nancy J. Stacy of Sarasota, Florida March 2006
~One of the oldest pictures I found in the family album~ The automobile has the look of "Distinction and Elegance" in those days.
My mother, Thelma Niblo and Grandmother Anna Niblo~ Denver, Colorado, 1935
Mother and Dad throughout the years of 1930s

~ My first home in Des Moines, Iowa- 1940-1944~
My home in Des Moines, Iowa-from 1944 - 1955
This was taken in the early 50s after my dad took out the white picket fence!
My Dad mowing the front lawn
My Des Moines home 1955 until I married in 1958
Louie Phillipe the Third, after his bath, comb & brush out
Happy Thanksgiving Mother and Dad. I think about you both all the time. It is 2007 now and I know that you are in a better place together. May God Bless you always~ Your Loving daughter, Nancy
My Mother and Dad on a southern trip with friends and colleagues visitng the southern states
MY dearest Father of Protective Love, Wise Understanding and Full of Wisdom! One lovely evening having a wonderful conversation with the most wise, wonderful father in the world! 1955
My Dad relaxing and listening to some good music one afternoon. It was probably some Barbershop Music!!
The Most Loyal, Loving Person Ever!
A special evening with my mother. She was my companion, buddy, my advisor, my teacher, of love, loyalty, faithfulness, and my best friend ever! We did everything together!
From the fifties to the sixties, after marriage and child birth

The wonderful summer visiting Grandma and Grandpa Niblo, Des Moines, Iowa. Grandpa and Mom pictured on the left. Next to that picture are the little granddaughters, Debbie Rae 5, and Kathryn Jean 3, and Mom ~1964~
My little girls ~ Ages 4 and 3 Born in San Diego, Calif.
My daughters
Kathryn Jean and Debbie Rae Spring Valley, California 1963
 Debbie Rae and Kathryn Jean San Diego, California 1963
Debbie's first neighborhood birthday party October 1964
 Kathryn's third birthday ~ October 1964

 Debbie ~ 1965 ~ Kathryn ~ 1966
Their very first week of school was so exciting for them, as they would have the opportunity to learn new things and to meet new friends.
  Debbie and Kathryn ~ 1966 San Diego, California
We moved to Des Moines for a couple of years, lived through the lovely four seasons, had our fun times there with Debbie's and Kathryn's grandparents. Their grandpa retired and decided to move permanently to Sarasota, Florida. We all decided that it would be gratifying to move to Florida too, so we all could be together. We packed our cars and went on our way.
Sarasota, Florida!!!
Here we are at Siesta Key, Sarasota, Florida! 1970
We two kids and our mom and our grandparents had a family discussion about a different area that we might live. Soooooo, we figured that since our grandparents retired to Florida..... we could all arrive to the sunshine state to make the move to Sarasota. We came first in August of 1971, as our mom had to enroll us in one of the Sarsota elementary schools. It was our decision that this city and state could be our home for the present time until we kids grew up and graduated from high school. Then we could think about and arrange our careers or marry.
More Birthdays!!
Grandpa Niblo - 1979 This is a picture of our favorite advisor, the head and leader of the family, the supreme man that would advise us and we granddaughters learned a lot from our loving grandpa!!
Here we are posing for a family picture one summer night in the early or mid 80s.
My Mother and Dad taking their walk on the beach, Naples, Florida ~ 1972
The Daughters' newsy note:
How we kids were taken by surprise!
This is a romantic story about Mother with a feeling that she had/has for someone that she just happend to meet here in Florida! That's right, mom met the promised person to be in her life and yes, he is her tower of strength, her companion, her lover, and all that lovey-dovey stuff! They decided to live as man and wife, in September 26, 1977.
Then in March of 1978, they got this darling dog and we decided to named her Lady.
Mom and Owen 1981
picture of Owen before the remodleing of the kitchen. Christmas 1984
Going ahead a few years here, we were retired, as of August 2005, and enjoying our hobbies,our cats that we love so much, our computers and I like to update my web pages a lot and make new pages. Oh! I also like to do my painting on my ceramic houses too.
Kathy, Mom and Deb ~ 2005
As of the years of 1995 through 2001, we were adopted by some darling cats. We love them so much and they entertain us a lot.
Timothy, Matthew, ( Cindy, Matthew and Tim), Cindy Bottom pictures: Andy, Molly, Misty and Sweetie
The time passes so fast and now our daughters have families of their own~
Kathy, Kathryn, and Gram
Thank God for our darling kitties. They fulfil our lives with loyalty, and love. They all are so sweet. ~They are all through this, my web site~ Here are some cute Granddaughter/Gram and kitty pictures to enjoy below this writing!!
Here is Molly, our #2 cat
She got on the pillow finally against her better judgement.
Here is my precious granddaughter Kathryn, and THE cat Chester!!
Kathy and Kathryn

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